Лав ту лив красиво лада калина


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куплет I:
i see your girl, imma grill her
she call me king kong, like gorilla
russian dance on your могила,
this song is full of позитива

gypsies are dead, it’s the land of the killah’s,
we all play a game where the rich are the villains
but we’d rather be villain, and live in a villa,
cause villains also like to live красиво

лада калина
quinoa from Lima
i call me hipster
but they call me дима

here come your idols
love or despise us
but i’m not going nowhere
my moment of glory
is coming like sunrise

припев (х4)
where’s all my people?
all men arriba
no one is safe, cause i’m not here to stay,
but for now, can you feel that?

Лада Калина(2017) (исполнитель: Ponakatannoy. )

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Источник: kalina-2.ru