Пластиковые крылья на ваз 2114 отзывы



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Сообщение 03 май 2010, Пн 16:05

Сообщение 04 май 2010, Вт 15:03

Сообщение 04 май 2010, Вт 15:15

от удара не спасёт ни карбон. ни стекло пластик.

поэтому не епите себе мозги.

если "ты занимаешся автоспортом" то там обычно завязаны крупные деньги и там дешовый карбон не покупают.

а если тебе тупо для стилизации машины. то поставь себе стекло пластик.
в частности OMEN и Bадька делают очень крепки капоты и давольно таки лёгкие.

+ если что его можно будет "отреставрировать"

просто глупо ставить карбоновый капот. когда вся остальная машинаиз железа.
дорогие глупые понты.

Сообщение 14 май 2010, Пт 20:15

KenobiVan писал(а): от удара не спасёт ни карбон. ни стекло пластик.

поэтому не епите себе мозги.

если "ты занимаешся автоспортом" то там обычно завязаны крупные деньги и там дешовый карбон не покупают.

а если тебе тупо для стилизации машины. то поставь себе стекло пластик.
в частности OMEN и Bадька делают очень крепки капоты и давольно таки лёгкие.

+ если что его можно будет "отреставрировать"

просто глупо ставить карбоновый капот. когда вся остальная машинаиз железа.
дорогие глупые понты.

Good day, dear friends!
As you already understood from the title of the record, we will focus on the plastic front fenders.
I will begin my story with the birth of this idea.
In February, I noticed a large number of rusty places on the front fenders:

And every day they became more and more. At the family council (and it includes all 3 members of our family: me, a spouse and a cat), it was decided to send our Angel to therapeutic procedures to combat redheads. At the consultation with the doctor on the body medicine was diagnosed — REPLACEMENT. It is useless to treat, only replacement will help. Then we begin to look for suitable wings. There are several options:
1) unpainted metal — 2400 rubles
2) painted metal — 7000 rubles
3) fiberglass for painting — 3000 rubles
4) ABS plastic — from 1800 rubles

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Metal immediately dropped out of the competition, because problems with rust in 2-3 years do not want to. Began to compare plastic: fiberglass or ABS?
Climbing the forums, re-reading a lot of reviews and comments, we found out that fiberglass is very sensitive to temperature, it is made without technological holes (i.e. it’s necessary to make holes for bolts and repeaters), and even in case of damage it is not suitable for repair . .
In turn, the ABS plastic is not subject to temperature changes, in the case of a crack it is easily sealed, and it is cheaper. It was decided to order. We start shopping: you can’t buy right away, just by order. On the Internet, the prices are different … And so, we come across one good site and there we find them at a tasty price — 1765 rubles. Here is a reference here , if anyone needs it.
We order … And wait a very long time. I even began to worry that they decided to throw me with wings. However, no. After 14 days of waiting, I received a message that the wings were sent by TC Energia directly to my city of Novoaltaisk. We are waiting … And so, yesterday they called me — the wings arrived. Food for them today. To pay for the delivery of 1025 rubles: 525 rubles delivery + 500 rubles crate (wooden frame for preservation).

I pa >He freed my wings and gave them to me for inspection. All integer =) I took it, put it in the car and started taking photos =)
Wings are made in Tolyatti:

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Between themselves were wound film, and each wing in a separate package:


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01 Августа 2019, 19:37:34

